Giovanni Bonaventura Viviani – Sonata prima per trombetta sola [vintage…]
SONATA PRIMA, per trombetta sola Igino Conforzi: Baroque trumpet (Egger 1982, mouthpiece Egger on Salzburg 18th.) Andrea Marcon: Organ Basel (CH), Predigerkirche, 21 fev 1987… Leggi tutto »Giovanni Bonaventura Viviani – Sonata prima per trombetta sola [vintage…]

TIBICINES> 4. Würbel / Aufzug mit 6. Trompeten (Daniel Speer)
The ensemble TIBICINES performs on instruments that resemble their 17th and 18th century counterparts down to the minutest detail. The Renaissance trumpet, which remained virtually… Leggi tutto »TIBICINES> 4. Würbel / Aufzug mit 6. Trompeten (Daniel Speer)

TIBICINES> 3.Das Kindl-Woegen auf Weinacht (Bartholomäus Riedl)
The ensemble TIBICINES performs on instruments that resemble their 17th and 18th century counterparts down to the minutest detail. The Renaissance trumpet, which remained virtually… Leggi tutto »TIBICINES> 3.Das Kindl-Woegen auf Weinacht (Bartholomäus Riedl)

Kantate BWV 67 – Halt im Gedächtnis Jesum Christ [vintage…]
Johann Sebastian Bach, Kantate BWV 67: 1. [Chor]: Halt im Gedächtnis Jesum Christ 4. Choral: Erschienen st der herrlich Tag 7. Choral: Du Friedefürst, Herr Jesu… Leggi tutto »Kantate BWV 67 – Halt im Gedächtnis Jesum Christ [vintage…]

TIBICINES> 2.Imperiale prima (Girolamo Fantini)
The ensemble TIBICINES performs on instruments that resemble their 17th and 18th century counterparts down to the minutest detail. The Renaissance trumpet, which remained virtually… Leggi tutto »TIBICINES> 2.Imperiale prima (Girolamo Fantini)

Battalia! Baroque Battle Music for Trumpet Consort TIBICINES ensemble Igino Conforzi, trumpets and conductor [SACD Arts 47666-8] The copious amount of documents which describe the ensembles… Leggi tutto »Battalia!

“Tra Sacro e Profano”, Unpublished Italian Works of 18th
Tra Sacro e Profano Unpublished Italian Works of 18th Cent. from Fondo Venturi (Montecatini) and other works Igino Conforzi, baroque trumpets Claudio Brizi, organ [Arts… Leggi tutto »“Tra Sacro e Profano”, Unpublished Italian Works of 18th

Weihnachts Oratorium BWV 248 [vintage…]
Johann Sebastian Bach, Weihnachts Oratorium BWV 248 Großer Herr, o starker König Ach mein herzliebes Jesulein Igino Conforzi play baroque trumpet by Egger with mouthpiece… Leggi tutto »Weihnachts Oratorium BWV 248 [vintage…]
Barocke Trompetenmusik aus Österreich
Barocke Trompetenmusik aus Österreich Trompetenensemble & Orchester der Schola Cantorum Basiliensis – E. H. Tarr [Deutsche Harmonia Mundi HM 851-2] (Werke von B. Riedl, H.… Leggi tutto »Barocke Trompetenmusik aus Österreich